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My Journey

A Psychic Medium

I'm Kelly Monique, a sought after Psychic Medium who has helped thousands of clients and friends with my gift for over 15 years through readings, healings and teaching. I work in pure light to assure you a clear direct connection with spirit, providing accuracy, comfort, inspiration, support and clarity. I'll walk through the shadows with you to bring the light in while healing through communication.  You can expect to feel lighter and freer with a sense of peace after having a reading with me. I've had visions and communication from spirit since a young age, yet everything really fell into place after becoming pregnant with my first child. At this time I began to hear loved ones crossed over with intense clarity. This was an exciting and frightening time in my life. With much soul searching to gain understanding, and support from others to control communication with spirit,  I learnt tools that would serve me well in the years to come. Moving forward without fear of my abilities I began to do deep and purposeful spirit  work that would help all souls involved. Integrity is everything to me. I am very open, honest and compassionate. I have so much love for other people and desire to see you walk on your soul path with love and freedom. Life is hard at times, yet there's always support awaiting our request. I want to see you in your absolute light, bringing you to greater empowerment and living in the present moment free of fear from past conditioning or future unknowns. I am called to spread the message daily that we are never alone and all have soul support from the heavens. We all have many untapped abilities and gifts. Our loved ones never leave us as we are all connected in heart and soul. If you desire that connection it's only a call away and can become so much easier with my support. I'll assist you with understanding your soul self, future insight and connection with your loved ones, guides and angels.  I love to teach tools in ways that are easily attainable to us all. Life is a lot easier when we open our hearts, minds, and know how loved we truly are. We are not alone. Love keeps us connected and love is truly eternal. I will help you develop your relationship to self, spirit and your soul purpose. Whether this is done in a reading or workshop. Love to all. xxx

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